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Corporations: Risk Management and Compliance Teams

From the sourcing of goods and services to providing the final product, corporate supply chains are ripe for labor trafficking. Risk management teams assess corporate risk, while compliance officers identify existing issues within a corporation. Both are in the unique position to ensure that labor for supply chains is sourced and maintained responsibly by the corporation and their subcontractors.

Trinity provides consulting services and training sessions for risk management and compliance teams on subjects such as proper recruitment methods and how to take measures to prevent trafficking within a company. Trinity also provides consulting and training sessions on maintaining clean supply chains through the creation and implementation of strong compliance mechanisms, as well as on how to identify the signs of human trafficking. Trinity's training sessions inform participants of federal and state laws, ways in which labor trafficking occurs in supply chains, and recruitment processes that use force, fraud, or coercion to illicit slave labor.

Contact us to request a consultation or a training.

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